Archived Newsletter 9/21/2020
September Newsletter

Hello to all my friends and a big welcome to my new subscribers too!
Yes, the above screenshot is my "Big News".... I've been named Miss TER for my second time.
For those unfamiliar with that site, it's and my reviews there date back to 2004.
I disagree with many of their policies and have even been very outspoken about them on that site's message boards.
Yet, for reasons known only to them, they still like me. LOL. ;-)
How do I feel about reviews? I think they can serve a purpose, in verifying that a companion is safe & legitimate, but for me personally?
I have tons of reviews and honestly don't need any new ones.
You see, I've gotten many fake reviews over the years and although I have been able to get most on that site removed, it's time-consuming to contact every person to ascertain whether or not we actually met.
If you want to write one, of course that's lovely but at this point they're not inherently helpful, despite what many gentlemen assume.
That's what I'm told all the time: he thought ladies want more reviews and was genuinely trying to help me by writing one.
That's very sweet and I do appreciate the thought!
But here's the thing:
On that site, they use a 1-10 scoring system, which impacts a companion's overall ranking & visibility on searches.
My numerical average is almost a 9 so a review is only "helpful" to me if the score is a 9 or 10, because then I edge up the list of "Top" providers and appear on more search results.
Sorry if I'm taking the fun out of it but that's the truth.
It's math. LOL. ;-)
I recently received a couple low-scored reviews there; what happens after such reviews are posted is I get a bunch of Private Messages & emails offering to give me 10s in exchange for a discount.
Ewwww. No, thank you.
(Any type of haggling/negotiating lands you on my Do Not See list so please don't do that.)
So, in summary.... although I very much appreciate the honor of being on TER's home page, this doesn't mean I am hoping for more reviews. xoxoxo

Rant over and on to other things....
These last couple months have been both busy and challenging for me, with serious allergy issues, an abscessed tooth, and my college-aged kids still doing online schooling from home.
I know I promised new photos soon and I WILL schedule a shoot for the near future so you'll once again have recent, PROFESSIONAL pics to enjoy.
In the meantime, I'll keep sending selfies lol.

As many of you area aware, I drive a LOT.
I do fly quite a bit, as well, but I often drive from wherever I land, to my next destination.
The above pic was taken during part of my drive through Kansas, where I flew in then drove to a couple more cities prior to flying home again.
Triple-trailer trucks are only allowed in 13 states, so seeing this is still a bit novel for me. And, sadly, it was the most interesting thing I saw on my drive though Kansas. :-)

Above was my lovely view on a misty morning's drive from Knoxville back to Nashville, TN to fly home after visiting those cities as well as Lexington and Louisville, KY. There's just something about being on the road in the early morning hours which I find incredibly peaceful.
I won't be returning to that area until the new year but I must admit it's one of my lovelier drives.