Archived Newsletter 4/17/2023
2023 Newsletter Vol. 2

Happy Spring!
Or is it?
It's snowing here in Chicagoland today so I'm not sure lol!
Anyway, Spring is the time for rebirth and renewal so I've got a few exciting announcements.
This will otherwise be a very brief newsletter, though.

People sometimes ask me how I decide where to tour and if I simply throw darts at a map.
Without boring you by sharing all the research I put into selecting (and/or eliminating) destinations, I will say that it is tedious.
Headache-inducing, even, especially when it comes to making tough decisions regarding cities I've toured for years.
There are more factors than most people guess.
So when I skip an area for awhile, please know this is not a decision I ever make lightly, or on a whim.
Detroit area: I'm looking at you! I'll return later this year but for now...I'm sorry, but I'm focusing my efforts on other parts of Michigan.
I put the same amount of thought and homework into trying to include trips I haven't made in some time.
So: Tennessee and Ohio? I'm returning!
Also, I'll be available in Sarasota for several days later this month.
Kentucky may be on my list for late Summer or early Autumn, as well.

In other news:
I'm always keeping an eye on my work expenses, which include much more than most people realize.
Advertising is a major cost and of course, there's also my travel expenses and hey.... a girl's gotta eat too.
These expenses can vary greatly from one region to the next and even city-to-city within the same state.
So I've adjusted my rates accordingly and more tweaking will occur over the next few months.
Most of my "territory", if you will, is remaining the same.
Omaha, Sarasota, Ohio and Tennessee are reverting back to 2021 pricing.
If you are scheduling for another location, please don't ask for that rate.
This is one of those cases when YES, it does hurt to ask.

(Tour dates have been removed from archived verstion.)

Thank you! I truly appreciate everyone who reads my newsletter! I hope to see you soon!! xoxoxo